Friday, March 9, 2012

Flags Of Advertising

As I'm sure you are all aware, NHL playoffs are coming in close and fans are supporting their teams in any way possible. From painting their faces, creating their "man-cave" hockey room, posting signs outside their homes, and let's not forget the clip-on flags on almost every hockey lover's automobile. The concept of the car flag is very interesting because it is showing support for a hockey team, but what if this support could be applied in a marketing sense?

There are thousands of outdoor advertisements that are seen each and everyday. We see billboards, transit posters, and taxi advertising. This is where the flag concept comes into play. Instead of just taxis and buses showing off paid advertisements on the windows and body, a flag can be put on the windows that advertise a specific brand or promotion. The overall concept is something I have been thinking about for the past few days and have yet to find examples of it. Not only can public transportation advertise and use the flags, but also employees of certain companies can have the option of promoting their workplace and possibly receive payment if their flag was the cause of a sale. 

1 comment:

  1. That is certainly an interesting scenario Josh. I think that idea has a lot of potential for advertisers. Incentives would definitely have to be put into place, but there is a lot of opportunity for creative sales promotion campaigns.

    Social media could have a huge role to play in supporting this idea of having flags advertising brands to others in public. Specifically, utiilizing incentives for those brand ambassadors that have the most potential and value to an organization.

    Overall, I think the greatest strength advertising flags would have is being eye-catching (would be even further supported by having a car fully designed in the concept of the brand's personality).

    Good blog post Josh.
